
Properly Tracking Online Marketing Results

Brendan Egan

Properly Tracking Online Marketing Results

In just the past month we’ve had a bunch of new SEO clients sign up with us to help improve their website rankings. Virtually every single one of these clients has done some sort of alternative marketing for their website– whether Google Adwords, other Pay Per Click advertising, Pay Per Impression advertising, some have done SEO in the past, and countless other types of referral based advertising. Nearly all of these clients have Google Analytics installed on their website, but they don’t have their reporting setup properly to actually gain knowledge into their marketing strategies from Google Analytics.
As part of our monthly SEO packages, we properly setup your Google Analytics accounts not only to send you custom, detailed reports about the progress of your website, but to also properly track your visitors so you can better understand exactly where the visitors that end up spending money with you came from.
As an example of why this is so critical, we personally optimized 3 keywords for our website last month. We spent about $500 optimizing each keyword, and at the end of the month we saw about an equal amount of traffic from each of the 3 keywords. However, one of the keywords sent us several new leads while the other 2 keywords sent us 0 new leads. Now going forward we have modified our SEO strategy for our own site to pour more money into the best performing keyword while dropping the other 2 keywords.
It can be a bit of additional work to make sure we have not only a successful SEO campaign but also a properly tracked campaign, however at the end of the day properly analyzing our results is what will leave your company with the highest return on investment possible, and that’s both your goal as well as ours. Most SEO companies bypass this critical step in the SEO process and continue to pour your SEO money into underperforming keywords, however we always step back from our SEO work to analyze our results and find out where we can continue to improve. That’s what truly makes the difference between Simple SEO Group and other SEO companies.
If you’re ready to learn more about our SEO services, simply submit the from directly to the right for a free 30+ page SEO analysis and consultation with one of our veteran SEO specialists. We’ll show you exactly where your website is struggling, how much traffic is out there in your niche, and how much it will cost to implement an SEO package for your company’s website.

