
Local SEO vs National SEO

Brendan Egan

Local SEO vs National SEO

There’s two main types of SEO out there– local SEO and national SEO–and depending on the geographical area you serve you’re going to want to make sure you choose the right type of SEO.
Most SEO companies focus only on national website SEO.  This is helpful for companies that offer their products/services over the internet and service a large area.  But local stores–such as bakeries, flower shops, and hair salons as well as local services–such as contractors, electricians, and attorneys won’t benefit as much from website SEO and should focus on local SEO.
Let’s take a look at the actual definitions and processes behind website SEO (National SEO) and local SEO and then address which one your business should be using.

National SEO

National SEO is the process of optimizing a website for various keywords that are trying to rank nationally, or in some cases even internationally.  This process consists of various optimization techniques to properly optimize a website and build links into the website.  National SEO is usually extremely competitive since there is usually a good amount of traffic associated with the keywords we go after.  National SEO campaigns can take anywhere from a few months to a few years and can cost anywhere from around $297 a month up to several thousand dollars per month.

Local SEO

Local SEO is the process of setting up and optimizing a Google Places page to rank in search results for local keywords and to also rank on the Google Maps results.  Whenever you search for something local, either by searching by keyword or just by your IP address’ location, you will see local results pop up before the list of websites. These local results are here because they are properly optimized, and local SEO involves optimizing the actual Google Places page as well as building links and citations for this page.  Google Places pages are extremely important for businesses that serve a specific geographical area, such as a contractor, bakery, electrician, attorney, or doctor.  Local SEO packages start at $297 per month and usually won’t require anything more than this unless the niche is extremely competitive, such as “Plastic Surgery California” for example.
In most cases, national SEO can actually help local SEO, so we usually suggest doing both at the same time to get the maximum effect.  It also really just depends on the keywords and the specific niche that your company is in to determine if you should go after national SEO or local SEO–sometimes national SEO makes more sense even for a local business, while local SEO makes sense for a business that wants to serve the entire nation.  If you’re interested in national or local SEO for your business, fill out the consultation form directly to the right to discuss which one will work best for you.

