
SEO Results : A Case Study From An SEO Client

Brendan Egan

SEO Results : A Case Study From An SEO Client

We’re truly about results.  Other SEO companies are okay with collecting your money and showing you the work they’ve done, but we take that one step further — we don’t just build links or fix your website, we do everything possible to get you the results you expect from a well managed SEO campaign.
Just this week I was speaking with an SEO client who has been with us for a few months now, and we were reviewing some results of the campaign.  Overall the campaign is doing well, many of their keywords in their competitive niche are on page 1 or page 2 of search results, and are climbing more and more as the campaign progresses.
We use three tools to track our SEO campaigns — Google Analytics to view website traffic and flow, Google Webmaster Tools to view overall website health, impressions, clicks, and information, and our in house rank tracking tool to view search engine rankings.
Below are the results from our client’s Google Webmaster Tools account showing the last 30 days of searches — with the blue line representing impressions and the red line representing clicks:

We can see this client had their website show up in 851 different searches in the last 30 days, received 27,000 impressions (the number of people who saw their site in search results) which is a 50% improvement month for month, and received over 600 clicks through to their website, a 50+% improvement month for month.
These are the types of results we expect to see at this stage of a moderate sized SEO campaign, and our client is thrilled with the results, increases in website traffic, and increases in overall online revenues.  We try our best to get your site ranked not just for your keywords, but for additional long tail keywords that will also generate traffic and revenue for you.  As we continue to improve your overall website’s SEO, you will find that your site naturally starts to rank for other terms, and you’ll also find that people naturally start to link to your content, making your site even stronger.
There’s a huge difference in 2012 between low quality SEO and high quality SEO — high quality SEO is the only way to go if you really care about your company ranking into the future and getting results.  And trust me, high quality SEO doesn’t have to break the bank — we work with local businesses starting at $297 per month, we can work with low competition national campaigns at just $297 per month as well, and higher competition campaigns range from $597 per month to $1,497 per month depending on the number of keywords and level of competition.

