
Tips For Pay-Per-Click Advertising

Brendan Egan

Tips For Pay-Per-Click Advertising

One of the fastest ways to draw more potential customers to your website is pay per click advertising. Pay-Per-Click is a model for advertising on the internet whose goal is to increase more traffic to a website (likely a business). With this model, an advertiser pays the owner of the website when the ad is clicked. This is a way to essential pay for people to visit your site, instead of waiting for them to possibly show up. Driving visitors to a site and increasing traffic allows for more exposure to your business and product; all with the idea that the customer’s click to the add will result in a purchase made, which brings some return on your investment in the first place. Pay per Click (PPC) advertising campaigns allow you to maximize your company’s visibility on key search engines, which brings more customers to your site, and hopefully leads to new and continued business. PCC is an excellent tool — if used correctly.

Having A Plan

Every client is different, and of course in considering those differences, we also must consider the individual goal of a client. The goal for what the client wants to achieve needs to be clear from the get-go, otherwise you’ll end up wasting valuable time and resources. Having a plan with a clearly defined goal allows for the methodology to be selected with proper thought, which contributes to greater efficiency in the long run. No plan will fall into place as expected if you don’t know your customers and audience well — without that, you’ve got a lot of extra work ahead of you!

Split Testing

Split testing is a method of conducting controlled, randomized experiments with a goal of improving a website metric, such as clicks, from completions or purchases. You don’t want to run an ad without testing it first!
Think of split testing like the placebo effect. In a research study for example, one group (or cohort) takes a medication, and another group takes a (different) medication. The participants in the study taking the medication don’t know if the medication they are taking is the actual medicinal formula, or a pill that’s made of something else — but the leaders of the research study know which is which. This way, they can keep track of whether or not the medicine itself is actually producing specific effects. When running an ad, you want to run it with a control group, or the original version of the ad you are testing, and then run it with another group which is the variant, or a changed version of the control.
If you are not running different versions of your ad, then you cannot attribute what is successful about that particular ad. Knowing what is successful leads to knowing what is relevant to your readers. This relevance will offer insights about what you can continue to expose readers to, what tests to run, and tools to implement.

Ad Extensions

Ad extensions offer additional information, and of course additional information provides your customers or audience more reasons to consider and choose your business or product. They Ad extensions typically increase an ad’s click-through-rate by several percentage points. There are a myriad of formats for an ad extension; some of which include call buttons, location information, links to specific parts of your website, and additional text. As Google describes, an ad extension works because it “enhances the performance of your text ads, and Google Ads selects which extensions to show in response to each individual search on Google.” You can see that ad extensions help to create a targeted visibility of customers.

Underutilizing Negative Words

Adding negative keywords to your Pay-Per-Click campaigns is one way to control relevancy without eliminating the potential traffic of broad match ads. As states, “failing to use negative keywords to your PCC campaigns is one way to control relevancy without eliminating the potential traffic of broad match ads.’ They continue to share that setting your ads to exact phrases may decrease the overall traffic potential you seek, but what it does do is help to ensure that your ads appear for search queries that are most relevant to your business.


Taking the time to go through the analytics from your website/business in order to get a clear understanding of what is happening. What is the use of having things implemented if you don’t take time to review them and their performance?
Some common data analysis tools are:

  • Google Analytics
  • Facebook Insights
  • CRM (Salesforce, Zoho, etc.)
  • Email automation (Infusionsoft, Mailchimp, etc.)
  • Ad Tracking Tools

These data analysis tools offer metrics of measurement and help to measure the intended result of your ad.


One of the data analysis tools is a tracker. A conversion tracker is a piece of code that is inserted into your HTML to track specific actions on specific web pages, and it’s important that you set up your own conversion tracker to monitor the effectiveness of your campaign (ad), according to Forbes. A conversion tracker is a part of what will help with data analysis and optimization.

Be Smart With Your Resources

Even if you have plenty of funds to allocate to advertising, this doesn’t mean that you should spend them all — or more specifically, be careful that you aren’t spending them repeatedly. If you used a particular tool or resource to run an ad, and you didn’t see the response that you had hoped for, consider looking for a new tool or resource to run that ad, rather than duplicating your costs for the same ad.
As with all advertising, it’s imperative to stay relevant with the tools you use to obtain traffic and customers to your business. Using Pay-Per-Click advertising is an excellent way to bring traffic effortlessly. With the correct marketing tools in place and analysis of the process, you can reach a greater audience, learn more about what is relevant to your audience and what the best ways to reach them are in the future.

